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The question of whether Jesus sent out 70 or 72 disciples is an interesting one that arises from differences in biblical manuscripts. Some Bible translations, like the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), and English Standard Version (ESV), state that Jesus sent out 70 disciples (Lk 10:1,17), while others, such as the New International Version (NIV), New Living Translation (NLT), and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), mention 72 disciples.

Reasons for the Difference:

The discrepancy stems from variations in ancient Greek manuscripts of Luke’s gospel. Some scholars believe the difference likely arose from scribal errors or intentional changes during the transmission of the text. There is a suggestion that the number 72 may have been altered to 70 to match the symbolic number of nations in Genesis 10 or the 70 elders of Israel (Ex 24:1).

Biblical References:

1. Luke 10:1 (NRSV): “After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go.”

2. Luke 10:1 (NIV): “After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.”

Significance of the Number:

Whether the number is 70 or 72, it carries deep symbolic meaning:

– Representation of Nations: It echoes Genesis 10, where 70 (or 72 in some traditions) nations are listed, representing the entirety of the known world. This symbolizes the universality of Jesus’ mission.

– Parallel to Elders of Israel: It parallels the 70 elders chosen by Moses in Numbers 11:16-17 and Exodus 24:1, reflecting leadership and guidance under divine command.

– Languages of the World: Based on ancient Jewish tradition, the number may represent the world’s languages.

Meaning for Christians

Regardless of the exact number, the key message remains consistent:

1. Expansion of Jesus’ Mission: Jesus was expanding his mission beyond the 12 apostles, indicating the growing scope of his ministry. This foreshadows the church’s future global mission (Mt 28:19-20).

2. Equipping for Ministry: It demonstrates Jesus’ strategy of equipping and empowering his followers for ministry.

3. Universality: The symbolism of the number emphasizes that the Gospel is for everyone. Christians are called to extend God’s love and message beyond immediate circles to the broader world.


The sending of the 70 (or 72) disciples illustrates Jesus’ desire to reach all people with his message. It serves as a powerful reminder of our calling to participate in the mission of Christ:

– Participation in God’s Mission: Just as these disciples were sent out, every believer is commissioned to share the good news and serve others in Jesus’ name. The exact number is less important than the principle of widespread engagement in God’s work.

– Teamwork in Ministry: Jesus sent the disciples in pairs (Lk 10:1), underscoring the importance of community, mutual support, and accountability in our spiritual endeavors.

– Faith and Dependence on God: The disciples were instructed to take nothing for the journey, teaching reliance on God’s provision and guidance rather than personal resources or abilities.

In conclusion, whether 70 or 72, the account of Jesus sending out his disciples encourages us to embrace our role in God’s mission, work collaboratively, and trust in God’s provision as we serve Him. The sending of the disciples signifies the universal call to evangelization and the importance of community in fulfilling this mission.

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