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The concept of ‘favor’ in the Bible is closely intertwined with grace, mercy, and divine approval. Favor can be understood as “demonstrated delight” or “tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord.” It signifies God’s special kindness and blessings bestowed upon individuals who align their lives with His will and seek a relationship with Him.

Favor is not merely about receiving material blessings or avoiding difficulties. Instead, it encompasses a deeper spiritual connection with God, marked by His guidance, protection, and presence in one’s life. This favor is often a response to humility, righteousness, and a sincere heart that seeks to honor God above all else. Isaiah 66:2 says, “But this is the one to whom I will look, to the humble and contrite in spirit, who trembles at my word.” Similarly, 2 Chronicles 16:9 states, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the entire earth, to strengthen those whose heart is true to him.”

Favor with God means being in a state of divine acceptance and grace, where God’s presence and blessings are evident in one’s life. Proverbs 3:3-4 says, “Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and good esteem in the sight of God and of people.” This indicates that favor with God is both a spiritual and practical reality.


Throughout the Scriptures, several notable figures are highlighted as recipients of God’s favor. Their lives provide valuable lessons on the nature of divine favor and how it manifests:

– Noah: Noah found favor with God due to his righteousness in a corrupt world. This favor led to his preservation and the salvation of his family during the flood (Gen 6:8).

– Abraham: Abraham’s faith and obedience brought him favor with God. In Genesis 18:3, Abraham recognizes the favor he has received: “He said, ‘If I find favor with you, Lord, do not pass by your servant.’”

– Moses: Moses enjoyed God’s favor, which was evident in his leadership of Israel and his unique encounters with God, including seeing God’s glory (Ex 33:17-23).

– Joseph: Despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned, Joseph experienced God’s favor, which led to his rise to power in Egypt and the preservation of his family during famine (Gen 39:3-4).

– Daniel: Daniel found favor and compassion from his captors in Babylon, which allowed him to maintain his faith and rise to a position of influence (Dan 1:9).

– Ruth: Ruth, a Moabite, found favor with Boaz through her loyalty and faithfulness, leading to her inclusion in the lineage of David and Jesus (Ruth 2:2, 10, 13).

– Samuel: The prophet Samuel found favor with both God and people, serving as a judge and prophet in Israel (1 Sam 2:26).

– David: King David, despite his flaws, found favor with God due to his heartfelt repentance and devotion. Acts 7:46 speaks of David finding favor in God’s sight and desiring to build a dwelling place for Him.

– Mary: The angel Gabriel declared Mary as highly favored by God, chosen to be the mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world (Lk 1:28-30).

– Jesus: Jesus Himself grew in wisdom and stature, finding favor with God and men, exemplifying the perfect relationship with the Father (Lk 2:52).


The biblical accounts of those who found favor with God reveal that divine favor is not merely about external success or an easy life. Many who were favored by God, such as Moses and Daniel, faced significant trials and challenges. However, their favor was marked by God’s presence, guidance, and ultimate purpose being fulfilled in their lives.

For Christians today, seeking God’s favor involves cultivating a humble and contrite heart, living righteously, and prioritizing a relationship with God over worldly pursuits. As Proverbs 8:35 states, “For those who find me [wisdom] find life and receive favor from the LORD.” This wisdom encompasses living according to God’s commandments and seeking His kingdom first (Mt 6:33).

As Christians, we are invited to seek God’s favor through faith in Jesus Christ, who embodies the ultimate expression of God’s grace and favor towards humanity. By aligning our lives with His teachings and seeking to honor Him in all we do, we can experience the profound peace and confidence that comes from knowing we are within God’s plan and purpose.

Let us strive to live lives that reflect God’s love and righteousness, seeking His favor not for selfish gain but to fulfill His will and bring glory to His name. In doing so, we can rest assured that His favor will guide us, protect us, and ultimately lead us to eternal life with Him. May we continually seek the Lord’s favor, humbling ourselves before Him, and trusting in His unfailing love and grace.


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