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HEARD: “You Have Heard …”

“You Have Heard That It Was Said” (Mt 5:27)

God gave the Ten Commandments in written form on two stone tablets. However, Jesus did not say, “As it is inscribed” or “as you read,” but “as you have heard from the ancestors or teachers of the Law.” This phrase refers not to the direct teaching of God or the prophets, but the laws and their interpretations that rabbis introduced at a later period.

For four centuries before John the Baptist, Israel had no prophet. During this post-exilic period, Jewish teachers interpreted the Law according to their own understanding, often deviating from the genuine spirit of the Lawgiver. So, Jesus refined the laws, correcting the deviations from the popular teachings of the time.

The ordinary Jews who came to listen to Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount were largely illiterate. They had heard the laws and their interpretations from the synagogue services they attended or from the Scribes’ preaching. These laws were attributed to Moses, who received them directly from God and communicated them to the Israelites. They taught these to their descendants and handed them on in written and mostly in oral form. The Scribes of the post-exilic period also transmitted their interpretations and applications as oral traditions. Over time, these practices deviated from the intention of God, the Lawgiver. Jesus’ questioning was not on the Mosaic teachings, but on the false interpretations of the post-exilic ancestors.

The Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has always upheld the sanctity of the Scriptures and the importance of interpreting them in light of Tradition and the teaching authority of the Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him.”

As Christians, we are called to study the Scriptures with humility and openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Church. We must be vigilant against false interpretations and traditions that deviate from the true spirit of the Law, as Jesus warned against in the Sermon on the Mount. Let us strive to live according to the spirit of the Law, which is love for God and neighbor, and to always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Church in our understanding and application of the Scriptures.


As followers of Christ, we are invited to go beyond the letter of the Law and embrace its spirit. Jesus calls us to a higher standard of righteousness, one that is rooted in love and truth. Let us not be content with mere outward compliance but seek a transformation of heart that aligns with the teachings of our Savior. By studying the Scriptures and adhering to the authentic interpretations provided by the Church, we can navigate the complexities of our faith with clarity and conviction. In doing so, we honor God and become beacons of His love in the world.

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