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In the Bible, the heart often symbolizes the core of a person’s emotions, strength, and life. It represents the source of both good and evil actions. As expressed in the Gospel of Luke, “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks” (Lk 6:45). This metaphor highlights the heart’s crucial role in shaping a person’s actions and character.

Historically, the heart has held significant symbolic power. Ancient cultures, such as the Aztecs, offered human hearts to their gods, viewing the heart as the essence of a person. Similarly, the Egyptians meticulously preserved the heart during mummification, underscoring its importance among the organs.

Heart of Jesus Pierced

The piercing of Jesus’ heart is a profound event in the Passion narrative. After Jesus’ death on the cross, a centurion, traditionally named Longinus in non-canonical texts, pierced His side with a spear to confirm His death. This act fulfilled the prophecy that none of His bones would be broken (Jn 19:36) and ensured His death before being taken down from the cross.

The mixture of blood and watery lymph from the pericardium that flowed from Jesus’ side symbolized the sacrificial nature of His death. Artists often depict this wound on the right side of Jesus’ body, though anatomically, the heart is on the left. This depiction likely reflects the soldier’s angle of piercing, which would have been from the right side to avoid the ribs and reach the heart.

Symbolic Meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is deeply rooted in Catholic tradition and was significantly propagated by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque following her visions. The Sacred Heart is depicted as a heart outside Jesus’ chest, surrounded by divine light, wounded and bleeding, encircled by a crown of thorns, and topped with a cross. Jesus points to this heart with His wounded hands, emphasizing its significance.

– The Heart: Represents Jesus’ physical heart and His immense sacrificial love for humanity.
– The Wound and Blood: Symbolize the piercing of His heart on the cross and His ultimate sacrifice.
– The Crown of Thorns: Reflects the suffering and humiliation Jesus endured during His Passion.
– The Cross: Signifies the victory of the cross and the connection between heaven and earth through Jesus’ redemptive work.
– Flames: Represent the burning love Jesus has for humanity.
– Light: Symbolizes the divine light that Jesus brings into the world.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a profound symbol of God’s love and mercy. As Christians, we are called to respond to this love. Jesus’ teachings emphasize love as the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22:37-40).

In our daily lives, we are invited to cultivate a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This can be done through practices such as praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart, making a consecration to the Sacred Heart, or enthroning the image of the Sacred Heart in our homes. These devotions help us to dwell on the mystery of God’s love and inspire us to imitate Jesus’ love, meekness, and humility.

The Eucharist, central to Catholic worship, is deeply connected to the Sacred Heart. At Mass, we unite our hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, participating in the sacrament of charity. This union strengthens us to live out the love we receive, helping to build a civilization of love and mercy.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of God’s infinite love for us. Let us strive to reflect this love in our lives, loving God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. Through devotion to the Sacred Heart, we draw closer to the heart of Jesus, learning to embody His love and compassion in our world. Let us allow this devotion to transform our hearts, making them more like His – filled with love, mercy, and a desire to serve others. In doing so, we become true witnesses of Christ’s love, bringing His light to a world in need of hope and healing.

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