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The New Testament contains incredibly remarkable accounts of Jesus raising the dead. These stories demonstrate Jesus’ divine control over life and death, delivering messages of hope, faith, and eternal life. By examining these miracles and their significance, we can gain a deeper understanding of their relevance for modern believers.


1. The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter
Jesus responded with compassion to Jairus, a synagogue leader, who sought his help for his dying daughter. Despite the girl’s demise, Jesus stated, “She is not dead, but only sleeping” (Mk 5:39). He grabbed her hand and declared, “Little girl, I command you to rise!” (Mk 5:41). Right away, she stood up, leaving the witnesses in awe and “utterly astounded” (Mk 5:42). News of this miracle spread rapidly, emphasizing Jesus’ power over death (Mt 9:26).

2. The Raising of the Widow’s Son at Nain
While traveling to Nain, Jesus encountered a funeral procession for the only son of a widow. Stirred with compassion, He laid His hand on the bier and declared, “Young man, I say to you, get up” (Lk 7:14). The young man sat upright and started talking, inspiring both fear and awe of God in the onlookers. They exclaimed, “A great prophet has arisen in our midst,” and “God has visited his people” (Lk 7:16). This miracle further spread Jesus’ fame throughout Judea (Lk 7:17).

3. The Raising of Lazarus
When Jesus reached Bethany, Lazarus, a close friend of his, had already been dead for four days. Despite facing doubt from those present, Jesus boldly stated, “I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn 11:25). By calling Lazarus, he brought him back to life from the tomb (Jn 11:44). At the resurrection of Lazarus, “Many of the Jews who had come to Mary and seen what he had done began to believe in him” (Jn 11:45). Though Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain (Lk 7:11-17) and Jairus’ daughter (Mt 9:18-26; Mk 5:21-43; Lk 8:40-56), it was soon after their respective deaths, whereas the raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-44) from the tomb was on the fourth day after his burial. The voice of Jesus could bring them out of their deathbed or tomb. This miracle led many Jews to believe in Jesus (Jn 11:45), highlighting His divine authority over death and foreshadowing His own resurrection.


The resurrection of Jesus is fundamental to Christian belief. Following His crucifixion, Jesus resurrected on the third day, witnessed by His disciples and many others. This event not only proved His victory over death but also affirmed His divine nature and the truthfulness of His teachings. It gave believers the assurance that they would also have resurrection and eternal life (1 Cor 15:20).
The resurrection of Jesus was even more marvelous, to which the apostles and others were witnesses. These experiences assured them that when Jesus comes again and calls, the dead will rise from their tombs.

At the death of Jesus, “tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. And coming forth from their tombs after his resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many” (Mt 27:52-53). This was an additional assurance for the disciples of Jesus in believing the resurrection of the body as Jesus had promised. “We firmly believe, and hence we hope that, just as Christ is truly risen from the dead and lives forever, so after death the righteous will live forever with the risen Christ and he will raise them up on the last day. Our resurrection, like his own, will be the work of the Most Holy Trinity” (CCC- 989).


In Christian eschatology, Jesus’ return is associated with a future resurrection. Paul mentions in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 that when the trumpet is heard, the dead in Christ will be the ones to rise first. The future resurrection is a crucial element of Christian hope, assuring believers of eternal life and a reunion with Christ.

Revelation 21:1-4 describes a new heaven and a new earth where “death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore.” This vision signifies the complete victory over death and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.


The accounts of Jesus raising the dead, his own resurrection, and the promise of future resurrection hold significant lessons for believers.

Similar to how Jesus brought hope to the grieving in the past, His promise of resurrection provides hope to those currently facing loss. It gives comfort to believers by affirming that death is not the end, but rather a passage to a new life.

The miracles prove Jesus’ power over life and death, inspiring believers to have faith in His sovereignty and divine authority, even in desperate circumstances.

Jesus’ acts of raising the dead were often driven by a deep sense of compassion. This model encourages believers to show empathy and act when faced with others’ suffering and grief.

The future resurrection is a fundamental part of Christian hope, offering believers the promise of eternal life in Jesus. This belief serves as both comfort and motivation to follow Jesus’ teachings in life.

Resurrection goes beyond physical revival and encompasses spiritual renewal as well. It encourages followers to live changed lives, embodying the fresh start offered by Jesus.

In summary, the narratives of Jesus raising the dead, both in the past and in the future, serve as impactful declarations of His divine authority and mercy. They offer a message of hope, faith, and renewal, reminding us that in Christ, death is defeated, and eternal life is assured. This enduring message continues to inspire and guide believers, encouraging them to live with hope, act with compassion, and trust in the power of Jesus.

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