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“He (Jesus) appeared to them over forty days and taught them concerning the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). The Bible records several appearances of Jesus after His resurrection, each carrying deep significance and offering profound lessons for believers.

Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday

On the morning of His resurrection, Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene near His tomb in Jerusalem. This encounter is detailed in John 20:11-18 and Mark 16:9-11. Mary’s encounter with Jesus not only transformed her sorrow into joy but also highlighted the importance of personal devotion and the role of women in the proclamation of the Gospel.

Group of Women in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday

Jesus also appeared to a group of women on the same day. These women included Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James), and Salome, as recorded in Matthew 28:1, 9, Mark 16:1, and Luke 24:10. Their encounter signifies the inclusivity of Jesus’ ministry and the vital role of women as the first witnesses of His resurrection.

Simon Peter in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday

Jesus appeared to Simon Peter in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday, as noted in Luke 24:34 and 1 Corinthians 15:5. This appearance is a powerful message of forgiveness and restoration, underscoring Peter’s leadership role despite his earlier denials of Jesus.

Cleopas and Companion on the Road to Emmaus

On the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, Jesus appeared to Cleopas and another disciple (Lk 24:13-35). This encounter emphasizes the importance of understanding Scripture and recognizing Jesus in the breaking of bread, highlighting the significance of the Eucharist.

Ten Apostles in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday

Jesus appeared to ten apostles (excluding Thomas) on Resurrection Sunday evening in Jerusalem (Jn 20:19-25). He greeted them with peace and breathed the Holy Spirit upon them, commissioning them for their mission. This event highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering the Church.

Eleven Apostles in Jerusalem a Week Later

A week after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to all eleven apostles, including Thomas (Jn 20:26-29). This appearance addressed Thomas’s doubts, leading to his profound declaration of faith, “My Lord and my God!” It teaches us about the importance of personal faith and overcoming doubt.

Seven Disciples at the Sea of Tiberias

Jesus appeared to seven disciples, including Peter, Thomas, and Nathanael, while they were fishing at the Sea of Tiberias in Galilee (Jn 21:1-14). This encounter involved a miraculous catch of fish and a shared meal, emphasizing Jesus’ provision and the importance of fellowship and service.

Eleven Disciples on a Mountain in Galilee

Jesus met the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee and commissioned them to make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them (Mt 28:16-20). This Great Commission underscores the universal scope of the Gospel and Jesus’ enduring presence with His followers.

More Than Five Hundred Brothers and James

Paul mentions Jesus’ appearance to more than five hundred believers at once and to James (1 Cor 15:6-7). These appearances, though not detailed in the Gospels, reinforce the widespread witness to the resurrection and strengthen its credibility.

Apostles in Jerusalem and Ascension

On the 40th day after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles in Jerusalem and led them to the Mount of Olives before His ascension (Lk 24:50-52; Acts 1:4-9). This final appearance included a promise of the Holy Spirit and a mandate for the apostles to be His witnesses “to the ends of the earth.”


The resurrection appearances of Jesus are not just historical events; they carry timeless messages for us as Christians:

1. Personal Relationship with Christ: Like Mary Magdalene and Peter, we are invited into a personal relationship with Jesus, who seeks us out individually and offers us transformation and restoration.

2. Inclusivity and Witness: The women who first witnessed the resurrection remind us that the Gospel is inclusive. We are all called to be witnesses, irrespective of gender or social status.

3. Forgiveness and Restoration: Peter’s restoration teaches us about the boundless mercy of Jesus. Regardless of our past failures, we can be restored and used by God.

4. Community and Mission: Jesus’ appearances to the apostles underscore the importance of Christian community and our collective mission. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the good news and make disciples.

5. Faith and Assurance: Thomas’ encounter with Jesus assures us that He understands our doubts and offers us the evidence we need to believe.

As Christians, we are called to live out the reality of the resurrection daily, embracing the hope it brings and sharing it with others. Let us be inspired by these resurrection appearances to deepen our faith, strengthen our witness, and commit ourselves to the mission of the Church, knowing that Jesus is with us always, even to the end of the age.

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