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When we examine the crucifixion of Jesus more closely, we find a rich narrative that goes beyond mere suffering and sacrifice. Within the narrative of physical torment, there is a powerful tapestry of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring love of Jesus.

SIMON OF CYRENE, originally forced to carry the cross, found himself unexpectedly caught up in the message of Jesus. This act reminds us that God’s grace can touch even the most resistant hearts. It is evident that salvation is not exclusive to those who actively pursue it, but can also be bestowed upon those who unexpectedly come across Jesus. The grace of the Lord allowed Simon and his sons Alexander and Rufus to become notable Christians (Mk 15:21).

DISMAS, the criminal who showed remorse and was crucified alongside Jesus, received the remarkable pledge of paradise. This exchange goes beyond human justice, showing that even in the midst of great wrongdoing, genuine remorse and faith can lead to forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus assured him, “Today, you will be in paradise with me” (Lk 23:43).

The CENTURION, who was responsible for enforcing the Roman order, witnessed the remarkable events during Jesus’ crucifixion. His entire perspective changed after this profound experience, causing him to recognize Jesus’ innocence and give glory to God. “This man was innocent beyond doubt,” he declared (Lk 23:47). This conversion is evidence of how Jesus’ actions and teachings can penetrate stubborn hearts and uncover the truth.

The SPECTATORS, who were initially captivated by the spectacle of the crucifixion, were deeply disturbed by what was happening. The act of remorsefully “beating their breasts” upon their return home serves as a powerful testament to the transformative nature of Jesus’ sacrifice. Even those who didn’t fully understand his message were deeply impacted, leading to self-reflection and a longing for change (Lk 23:48).

The story of LONGINUS, the soldier who stabbed Jesus and was supposedly healed, transcends historical fact to become a powerful symbol. The flow of blood and water from Jesus’ wound signifies the transformative and healing power that emerges from his sacrifice. The story goes that Longinus, a blind centurion, was cured of his blindness when the blood from Jesus’ heart landed on his eyes. He embraced the Christian faith. The Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Churches, Armenian Apostolic Church, and Coptic Orthodox Church consider him a saint.

JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA AND NICODEMUS, who used to be cautious disciples working secretly, fearlessly came forward to take care of Jesus’ body. This public act shows that faith can flourish in unexpected places and motivate action during difficult times. Their actions regarding Jesus’ burial emphasize the significance of His sacrifice in their lives.


The cross, which caused Jesus’ suffering and death, remains the lasting symbol of Christianity. This change highlights a fundamental belief in Christianity: that Jesus’ sacrifice overcomes even death. The cross symbolizes hope and represents new life and eternal salvation. Christians find comfort in the cross, turning to it for relief from their afflictions.

Even though human cooperation is necessary, salvation is ultimately in the hands of the divine. Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him on the last day” (Jn 6:44). Jesus attracts and saves everyone by means of his teachings, presenting them to the Father.

The narratives arising from the base of the cross convey a timeless and universal message of hope. Jesus’ message of love and salvation reaches everyone, regardless of social status, past actions, or their initial comprehension of his teachings. Through his sacrifice, he acts as a link between humanity and God, granting the opportunity for forgiveness, renewal, and eternal life. Jesus offers redemption and a path to a brighter future, even when we are in the midst of profound suffering. The crucifixion is more than a tale of pain; it is a testament to the lasting strength of love, forgiveness, and hope through Jesus Christ.

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