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The worship of Jesus by His disciples and others is a profound testament to His divinity. This acknowledgment of Jesus as God was especially significant because the Israelites worshipped God alone. By accepting worship, Jesus affirmed His divine nature and role within the Holy Trinity.


Throughout the New Testament, various individuals and groups worshipped Jesus, recognizing His divine authority and power. Here are some notable examples:

1. The Magi Worship the Infant Jesus
The magi from the East came to Bethlehem, guided by a star, to find the newborn King of the Jews. Upon finding Jesus, they bowed down and worshipped Him, offering gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Mt 2:11).

2. The Leper Worships Jesus
A leper approached Jesus, seeking healing. He knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus responded with compassion, healed him, and accepted his act of worship (Mt 8:2).

3. The Official Kneels Before Jesus
An official came to Jesus, desperate for His daughter’s life. He knelt before Jesus, recognizing His authority to heal and bring the dead back to life (Mt 9:18).

4. The Disciples Worship Jesus on the Boat
After Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm, the disciples in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God” (Mt 14:22-33).

5. The Demoniac Worships Jesus
A man possessed by a legion of demons ran to Jesus and fell at His feet, acknowledging His supreme authority over the spiritual realm (Mk 5:6).

6. The Blind Man Worships Jesus
Jesus healed a man born blind. Upon recognizing Jesus as the Son of Man, the man worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, I believe” (Jn 9:38).

7. The Canaanite Woman Worships Jesus
A Canaanite woman, seeking healing for her demon-possessed daughter, knelt before Jesus and worshipped Him, pleading for His mercy and help (Mt 15:25).

8. The Mother of the Sons of Zebedee
The mother of James and John approached Jesus with a request for her sons’ positions in His kingdom. She paid homage to Jesus, acknowledging His authority and seeking His favor (Mt 20:20).

9. The Disciples Acclaim Jesus
The disciples and crowds acclaimed Jesus as He entered Jerusalem, shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” This was an act of worship, recognizing Him as the Messiah (Mt 21:9; Jn 12:13).

10. Mary Magdalene and the Other Mary
After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. They worshipped Him, overwhelmed with joy and reverence (Mt 28:9).

11. Thomas Worships the Risen Jesus
When Jesus invited Thomas to touch His wounds, Thomas responded with a profound declaration of faith, saying, “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 20:28).

The consistent worship of Jesus in the New Testament underscores His divine identity. Unlike angels and prophets who explicitly directed worship to God alone, Jesus accepted worship, affirming His equality with God the Father. John’s vision in Revelation further clarifies this distinction when an angel explicitly refuses worship, redirecting it to God (Rev 22:8-9).


The worship of Jesus as recorded in the Bible reveals profound truths about his identity and mission. Jesus accepted worship from various individuals and groups, affirming his divinity and his role as God incarnate. These acts of worship serve as a powerful testimony to his divine nature and his rightful place as the object of our worship.

As Christians, we are called to worship Jesus with reverence and awe, recognizing him as our Lord and Savior. Worship is not just an act of singing or attending church services; it is a lifestyle of acknowledging Jesus’ lordship over every aspect of our lives. In worship, we express our love, gratitude, and adoration for all that Jesus has done for us, especially his sacrificial death and glorious resurrection.

Moreover, worship is a response to Jesus’ love and grace. It is an expression of our faith and trust in him, knowing that he is sovereign over all circumstances. As we worship Jesus, we are transformed by his presence, finding joy, peace, and strength in our relationship with him.

In a world filled with distractions and challenges, let us continually turn our hearts to Jesus in worship. May our worship be genuine and heartfelt, reflecting our deep love for him and our commitment to follow him faithfully. Let us also encourage one another to worship Jesus, sharing the hope and truth of his gospel with those around us.

In conclusion, the worship of Jesus is a central aspect of our Christian faith. By worshiping him, we acknowledge his divinity, celebrate his resurrection, and affirm his lordship over our lives. Let us worship Jesus with all our hearts, honoring him as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

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