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Jesus, in His teachings, often referred to His disciples and followers as “little ones.” This term holds profound significance, encompassing both His immediate disciples and all future believers. It illustrates a key aspect of Christian discipleship – humility and innocence.

The Little Ones: Disciples and Beyond

In Jewish tradition, a Rabbi’s disciples were often considered his “little ones,” reflecting their status as learners and followers under his guidance. Jesus extended this concept to all who would follow Him, highlighting their need to embrace humility and childlike faith. This theme is poignantly illustrated when Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” (Mt 18:1).

Becoming Like Children

Jesus’ response to His disciples’ question about greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven is profound and counter cultural. He called a child to stand among them and said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (Mt 18:3-5). This passage underscores the virtues of humility, simplicity, and purity of heart. To be “great” in the Kingdom, one must embody these qualities, becoming like little children in their trust and dependence on God.

The Least Ones

Jesus also expanded the notion of “little ones” to include anyone who is innocent and humble. He emphasized the importance of how we treat these individuals, declaring that any kindness shown to them is, in essence, shown to Him: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). This statement amplifies the call to love and serve others selflessly, recognizing Christ in every person, especially those who are marginalized or vulnerable.


As Christians, we are called to embrace the qualities of the “little ones.” This involves:

1. Humility: Recognizing our need for God’s grace and living with a heart of service towards others.
2. Innocence: Maintaining purity in our actions and intentions, striving to live a life free from sin.
3. Simplicity: Trusting God with childlike faith, free from the complexities and burdens of pride and self-reliance.
4. Compassion: Treating others with kindness and love, seeing Christ in every person we encounter.

Jesus’ teachings on the “little ones” remind us that true greatness in His Kingdom is not about power or prestige but about humility, purity, and love. By embracing these virtues, we not only align ourselves with the heart of Christ but also reflect His love to the world. Let us, therefore, strive to be like the “little ones” in our daily walk with God. By doing so, we become vessels of His grace, light, and love in a world that desperately needs the simplicity and purity of the Gospel message.


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